The Heart Behind the Ministry

Prophetess Tanya and I understand that our greatest privilege is to serve God as well as His people in this capacity. Our desire is to move the Kingdom of God forward for the work of the ministry and perfecting of the saints, so that we may come into the unity of the faith. We count it an honor that the Lord would allow us to serve Him and you for the work of the ministry. We have made a vow to God to love, honor and obey Him, His Word (they are one) and each other. In turn, we can then show that same love and compassion for those who are lost and His people, for without Him we are nothing. Our prayer is that through our obedience to the Lord, that many will be won to our Lord and Savior. Furthermore, through our lifestyle and the teachings of the ministry we are confident that you will come to have a personal relationship with the one and only living God, which is Jesus Christ.